New York State Horse Council ...NYSHC

New York State Horse Trail Preservation

Since the early 1960's, the NYSHC has been heavily involved in working with multiple horse groups to develop multi-use trail systems throughout the state. Many of our chapters were started by horse groups banding together to develop and preserve trails in their counties.
We have been fortunate to have members of the board that are knowledgeable in development, building and maintaining horse trails. Those were the folks who dedicated their lives to the continuing preservation and expansion of the Brookfield Trail System.
Another important element of our involvement in trails is our commitment to sending three delegates to the New York State Trails Council meetings in Albany, New York. This group was started by the New York State Office of Parks and Historic Preservation and is joined by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The purpose is to bring together all of the major trail users groups in the state together to share ideas and work in partnership to preserve and build multi-use trail systems.
Our representatives are:
  • Dan Gruen, Central part of NYS:
  • Carol Schmelz, Western part of NYS:
  • Mark Wehnau, Eastern part of NYS:
Kindly contact them regarding any questions.
To date we have worked with groups across the State and finalized the following projects:

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