New York State Horse Council ...NYSHC

NY State Horse Services Directory by Category

Horse & Rider Services


Point IconBegin Again Horse Rescue, Inc ...2828 Plank Rd Lima NY 14485 Website ...There are several ways you can help us to improve the lives of neglected and forgotten horses. Please consider joining us in our cause, to ensure the safety and happiness of each horse we touch!
Point IconEquine Rescue Resource Inc. ...PO Box 17 Pine Bush NY 12566 Website ...ERR is a nonprofit organization helping horses in need. Founded in 1999.
Point IconLollypop Farm, Humane Society of Greater Rochester ...99 Victor Road Fairport NY 14450 585-223-1330 x193 Website ...Lollypop Farm, Humane Society of Greater Rochester is one of the rare animal shelters in the United States that has the ability to take in, rehab and rehome farm animals along with domestic animals like dogs, cat, and small animals. We envision a time when our community celebrates the human-animal bond; embraces the mutual benefits therein; and treats all fellow beings with care, compassion, and respect. Our recently expanded equine department now has the ability to exercise and train horses that come through our program in the hopes of making them more adoptable.
Point IconLucky Orphans Horse Rescue ...2699 Route 22, PO Box 334 Dover Plains NY 12522 845-416-8583 Website ...People Helping Horses Heal People


Point IconAmerican Heritage Morgan Farm ...1974 Murdock Rd Lydonville NY 14098 585-735-5322 ...Preserving, promoting & perpetuating the Morgan Horse
Point IconBig House Stables ...15 Avon Road PO Box 279 Geneseo NY 14454 585-507-3397 Website ...A certified centered riding clinician giving lessons at a beautiful facility - indoor + outdoor arena and boarding for students
Point IconNewstead Equestrian Center ...7579 Maple Road Newstead NY 14001 716-542-3064 Website ...Newstead Equestrian Center is a 26-stall horse boarding facility situated on 56 acres with two large outdoor arenas, a 72x160' indoor arena with viewing room, and trails for use by boarders. We take pride in personally serving our customers, getting to know all of our clients and their horses, and being involved in everything that takes place.


Point IconAmerican Heritage Morgan Farm ...1974 Murdock Rd Lydonville NY 14098 585-735-5322 ...Preserving, promoting & perpetuating the Morgan Horse




Point IconBig House Stables ...15 Avon Road PO Box 279 Geneseo NY 14454 585-507-3397 Website ...A certified centered riding clinician giving lessons at a beautiful facility - indoor + outdoor arena and boarding for students
Point IconKinship With Horses, LLC ...9324 North Otto Road Cattaraugus NY 14719 716-982-5180 Website ...Progressive Horsemanship keeping the horses point of view in mind.Horsekeeping begins from the Ground Up. Balance the diet, the teeth , the feet and now we have a good place to begin a dialogue that the horse can understand.
Point IconMassage & More Equine Therapy, LLC ...3332 Maple Avenue Allegany NY 14706 716-474-6786 Website ...It is my mission to help as many horses as possible to become free of pain, feel great, be happy and perform at their fullest potential in addition to educating all those that love and take care of them.




Point IconBromely - Daggett Equestrian Center c/o Alfred University ...1 Saxon Drive Alfred NY 14802 607-587-9012 Website ...Are you an English or Western competitor? Or just enjoy riding? Equine classes, student boarding, and Varsity Teams for both English and Western disciplines, clinics and horse shows are all offered. The spacious, heated facility located on 400 acres is within a five-minute drive of campus.
Point IconEquine Rescue Resource Inc. ...PO Box 17 Pine Bush NY 12566 Website ...ERR is a nonprofit organization helping horses in need. Founded in 1999.
Point IconLucky Orphans Horse Rescue ...2699 Route 22, PO Box 334 Dover Plains NY 12522 845-416-8583 Website ...People Helping Horses Heal People
Point IconW.H. Miner Ag Research Institute ...1034 Miner Farm Rd., PO Box 90 CHAZY New Y 12921-0090 518-846-7121 x120 Website ...Education & Research Institute



Point IconBromely - Daggett Equestrian Center c/o Alfred University ...1 Saxon Drive Alfred NY 14802 607-587-9012 Website ...Are you an English or Western competitor? Or just enjoy riding? Equine classes, student boarding, and Varsity Teams for both English and Western disciplines, clinics and horse shows are all offered. The spacious, heated facility located on 400 acres is within a five-minute drive of campus.
Point IconKinship With Horses, LLC ...9324 North Otto Road Cattaraugus NY 14719 716-982-5180 Website ...Progressive Horsemanship keeping the horses point of view in mind.Horsekeeping begins from the Ground Up. Balance the diet, the teeth , the feet and now we have a good place to begin a dialogue that the horse can understand.

Humane Welfares

Point IconBegin Again Horse Rescue, Inc ...2828 Plank Rd Lima NY 14485 Website ...There are several ways you can help us to improve the lives of neglected and forgotten horses. Please consider joining us in our cause, to ensure the safety and happiness of each horse we touch!
Point IconEquine Rescue Resource Inc. ...PO Box 17 Pine Bush NY 12566 Website ...ERR is a nonprofit organization helping horses in need. Founded in 1999.
Point IconLollypop Farm, Humane Society of Greater Rochester ...99 Victor Road Fairport NY 14450 585-223-1330 x193 Website ...Lollypop Farm, Humane Society of Greater Rochester is one of the rare animal shelters in the United States that has the ability to take in, rehab and rehome farm animals along with domestic animals like dogs, cat, and small animals. We envision a time when our community celebrates the human-animal bond; embraces the mutual benefits therein; and treats all fellow beings with care, compassion, and respect. Our recently expanded equine department now has the ability to exercise and train horses that come through our program in the hopes of making them more adoptable.


Point IconBig House Stables ...15 Avon Road PO Box 279 Geneseo NY 14454 585-507-3397 Website ...A certified centered riding clinician giving lessons at a beautiful facility - indoor + outdoor arena and boarding for students
Point IconBromely - Daggett Equestrian Center c/o Alfred University ...1 Saxon Drive Alfred NY 14802 607-587-9012 Website ...Are you an English or Western competitor? Or just enjoy riding? Equine classes, student boarding, and Varsity Teams for both English and Western disciplines, clinics and horse shows are all offered. The spacious, heated facility located on 400 acres is within a five-minute drive of campus.
Point IconHorses For A Change ...572 Old Post Rd New Paltz NY 12561 914-466-5099 Website ...Riding lessons for all ages, abilities & economic need.
Point IconKinship With Horses, LLC ...9324 North Otto Road Cattaraugus NY 14719 716-982-5180 Website ...Progressive Horsemanship keeping the horses point of view in mind.Horsekeeping begins from the Ground Up. Balance the diet, the teeth , the feet and now we have a good place to begin a dialogue that the horse can understand.
Point IconLucky Orphans Horse Rescue ...2699 Route 22, PO Box 334 Dover Plains NY 12522 845-416-8583 Website ...People Helping Horses Heal People


Point IconBegin Again Horse Rescue, Inc ...2828 Plank Rd Lima NY 14485 Website ...There are several ways you can help us to improve the lives of neglected and forgotten horses. Please consider joining us in our cause, to ensure the safety and happiness of each horse we touch!
Point IconEquine Rescue Resource Inc. ...PO Box 17 Pine Bush NY 12566 Website ...ERR is a nonprofit organization helping horses in need. Founded in 1999.
Point IconLollypop Farm, Humane Society of Greater Rochester ...99 Victor Road Fairport NY 14450 585-223-1330 x193 Website ...Lollypop Farm, Humane Society of Greater Rochester is one of the rare animal shelters in the United States that has the ability to take in, rehab and rehome farm animals along with domestic animals like dogs, cat, and small animals. We envision a time when our community celebrates the human-animal bond; embraces the mutual benefits therein; and treats all fellow beings with care, compassion, and respect. Our recently expanded equine department now has the ability to exercise and train horses that come through our program in the hopes of making them more adoptable.
Point IconLucky Orphans Horse Rescue ...2699 Route 22, PO Box 334 Dover Plains NY 12522 845-416-8583 Website ...People Helping Horses Heal People




Point IconEquine Emergency Transportation ...158 Yantz Road Red Hook NY 12571 845-464-7058 ...transport horses to & from equine clinic for emergencies/routine and other locations


Point IconHidden Hollow Farm Riding Center, Inc ...6 Hidden Hollow Trail Red Hook NY 12571 845-758-0619 Website ...we specialize in special olympics / veterans / crimes / victims / non-therapeutic riding
Point IconHorses For A Change ...572 Old Post Rd New Paltz NY 12561 914-466-5099 Website ...Riding lessons for all ages, abilities & economic need.
Point IconMassage & More Equine Therapy, LLC ...3332 Maple Avenue Allegany NY 14706 716-474-6786 Website ...It is my mission to help as many horses as possible to become free of pain, feel great, be happy and perform at their fullest potential in addition to educating all those that love and take care of them.


Organizations & Clubs



Point IconAmerican Heritage Morgan Farm ...1974 Murdock Rd Lydonville NY 14098 585-735-5322 ...Preserving, promoting & perpetuating the Morgan Horse
Point IconAurora Trail Riders Inc ... NY 716-655-9929 Website ...Horse Club
Point IconBits N Spurs Trailriders ...3705 Bard Rd Cassadaga NY 14718 716-338-5232
Point IconLandsman Kill Trail Association ...63 Cobblestone Ridge Hyde Park NY 12538 845-240-4299 Website ...Landsman Kill Trail Association maintains over 70 miles of trails throughout Northern Dutchess County, primarily in Rhinebeck, NY. Trails are open year round to members (except hunting season). Many trails are color coded for ease of use. Two hunter paces and two organized trail rides are held each year and are open to non-members.


Point IconAurora Trail Riders Inc ... NY 716-655-9929 Website ...Horse Club
Point IconLandsman Kill Trail Association ...63 Cobblestone Ridge Hyde Park NY 12538 845-240-4299 Website ...Landsman Kill Trail Association maintains over 70 miles of trails throughout Northern Dutchess County, primarily in Rhinebeck, NY. Trails are open year round to members (except hunting season). Many trails are color coded for ease of use. Two hunter paces and two organized trail rides are held each year and are open to non-members.


Point IconAurora Trail Riders Inc ... NY 716-655-9929 Website ...Horse Club
Point IconBits N Spurs Trailriders ...3705 Bard Rd Cassadaga NY 14718 716-338-5232
Point IconChautauqua County Equestrian Trail System ...3748 Bard Rd Cassadaga NY 14718 Website ...Volunteers dedicated to the management of horse trail system in Chautauqua County
Point IconEquine Emergency Transportation ...158 Yantz Road Red Hook NY 12571 845-464-7058 ...transport horses to & from equine clinic for emergencies/routine and other locations
Point IconIMPACT: Friends Improving Allegany County Trails, Inc. ...2444 State Route 244 Belmont NY 14813 607-382-9770 Website ...We organize support for trail maintenance and improvement throughout Allegany County.
Point IconLandsman Kill Trail Association ...63 Cobblestone Ridge Hyde Park NY 12538 845-240-4299 Website ...Landsman Kill Trail Association maintains over 70 miles of trails throughout Northern Dutchess County, primarily in Rhinebeck, NY. Trails are open year round to members (except hunting season). Many trails are color coded for ease of use. Two hunter paces and two organized trail rides are held each year and are open to non-members.

Youth (4H, Pony Club, College teams, etc)

Point IconLucky Orphans Horse Rescue ...2699 Route 22, PO Box 334 Dover Plains NY 12522 845-416-8583 Website ...People Helping Horses Heal People

Trail Services


Point IconBig House Stables ...15 Avon Road PO Box 279 Geneseo NY 14454 585-507-3397 Website ...A certified centered riding clinician giving lessons at a beautiful facility - indoor + outdoor arena and boarding for students


Business Services

Personal Services

Sales & Products



Point IconGreen Mountain Nutritional Services, Inc. ...247 Main Street Attica NY 14011 716-523-0018 Website ...Nutrition seminars, supplements, custom pre-mix, labeling



Point IconEquine Emergency Transportation ...158 Yantz Road Red Hook NY 12571 845-464-7058 ...transport horses to & from equine clinic for emergencies/routine and other locations

Shop & Apparel

Point IconBig House Stables ...15 Avon Road PO Box 279 Geneseo NY 14454 585-507-3397 Website ...A certified centered riding clinician giving lessons at a beautiful facility - indoor + outdoor arena and boarding for students
Point ...1588 Main Street Apalachin NY 13732 607-427-9112 Website ...Dryshod Waterproof Footwear/Boots, NYoutftr - Dryshod Authorized Dealer. Our family owned business is located on Apalachin, New York. We ship daily factory fresh boots at the best prices for Farm & Ranch & more. Thank you to all the members who have been our customers and welcome to all. Betty & David DiLello.

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